The Vodacce Alliance

  Crescent Empire

The Vodacce say that Theus himself guided them to hteir star system. They beleive the eary settlers saw the clouds of the system's gas giant form a Vaticine Cross as they came close. They decided at that moment to settle there and named the planet 'Numa'. Most other nations don't beleive this story for a moment, but they are wise enough not to say so where a Vodacce might hear. Very, very few Vodacce would let such an insult pass.

The vodacce were keen to make sure of two things when they settled in their new home. Firstly that they become rich nad powerful through trade, and second that they (and not the Castillians) ar ethe home of the Holy Vaticine Church. To further both ends they built great cloud cities in the atmosphere of Numa. there are around twenty such cities floating in the dense atmosphere through a mix of turbines and anti-gravity generators. they are all linmked with so many shuttles that they function almost as one city. People come there to trade and do deals, and also on pilgrimage in the hope of seeing the cluds grant a holy vision again. Those who are powerful in the Vaticine Church are looked after very well indeed. So the Archbishops of the church do as much buisness there as they can. So much so that most live in the cities, and occationally commute to Castillian space.


The Vodacce System
There are no habitable planets in the Vodacce system. however, there is a gas giant with seven small moons. Each moon is claimed by one of the noble vodacce families. The system is rich in natural ores and resources.

Vodacce Ships
The Vodacce build ships that resemble birds of prey, a vodacce captain wants to you to fear his craft as well as respect it. The Vodacce also possess cloaking technology, which also determines a lot of the design of their spacecraft. Other governments would love to get their hands on this technology. However, rumour has it that it was stolen from the Syrneth and is therefore tainted. Many beleive it will corrupt the Vodacce, if they are not already in league with the enemies of huimanity.

Ship design - Romulan 'Star Trek Nemesis'