The United Federation of Avalon
Avalon | |
Castille | |
Eisen | |
Montaigne | |
Ussura | |
Vendal/Vesten | |
Vodacce | |
Crescent Empire | |
Cathay | |
Before the Syrneth returned, several thousand Avalons were taken by the Sidhe. The Sidhe had tired of mankind's foolishness and saw no reason to keep protecting a race hell bent on releasing their greatest enemy. However, they hadn't given up on humanity compleatly, so before they left they took a group of favoured Avalons out to the stars.
rest of the Avalon followed them three hundred years later, the Sidhe deemed
them worthy of respect again and guided them to their lost cousins. The refugee
Avalon were drawn to a particular system with strange dreams and omens. Upon
landing they were reunited with those who were taken by the Sidhe. The resident
Avalon had built cities but lived a simple more pastoral life, the refugees
brought with them space travel and amazing new technology. Both groups offered
something the other had never hoped for. Joining together made both peoples
feel whole again.
The Avalon System
Avalon is a star system with several inhabitable planets. However the region
is full of strange nebulae and dark matter that leads often to Sidhe places.
The most temperate and largest planet is a garden of eden, and the original
settlement of those rescued by the Sidhe. When the Avalon were brought to the
planet, the Sidhe told them its name was 'Graal' and it was their geas to take
care of it. Graal is a beautiful world, and the Avalon have done everything
they could to look after it. so despite the head start, Avalon technology is
not much more advanced than that of their neighbours. It is however, a lot cleaner
and less wasteful. The refugee Avalon brought spaceflight to their cousins and
soon the rest of the system was inhabited. Inishmore is a smaller planet inhabited
by those who get on better with the Sidhe. The 'Sidhe areas' in the system are
all rather close to Inishmore, and strange things are the norm for ships in
the area. Those who dislike dealing with the Sidhe settled on the outer areas
of the system. The 'Highland Marches' is the name given to a group of small
moons with atmospheres that ring the system. Each of these cold bitter places
is claimed by a different family who guard their limited resources jealously.
The starships of the 'Federation of Avalon' are smooth and sleek in their design.
They are among the most comfortable, and are designed as exploration craft rather
than war ships. It is rumoured that a few Sidhe join Avalon crews to observe