The Eisen Territories

Crescent Empire

As it was in Théah, the Eisen have been dealt a barren hand. However they have accepted their fate with the same stoicism they did before. The Eisen were among the first people to leave Théah, and they found their way to one of the larger systems. It was quite a fertile region of space, with many planets. Unfortunately it was also the reserve for the Syrneth Empire.

Just as the Eisen had made their home there, the Syrneth attacked. They needed the equipment and supplies they had left hidden in the system, and were happy to have a chance to destroy a few human lives as well. Battle was joined, but luckily the Eisen were able to send a distress beacon. Their call was answered by just about every other nation. Together they fought back the Syrneth, who left many devices and supplies behind.

Unfortunately, much of the reason the other nations had been quick to answer was because of the riches of the Eisen system. Under the pretense of 'restocking after combat' most of the nations looted as much of the Eisen system as they could. When the Syrneth and the other nations had left, the Eisen system was nowhere near as fertile as it was, and the Eisen people became as insular and stoical as they were in 1668.

The Eisen System
The Eisen system has five planets, all of which are inhabitable. Sadly after battle with the Syrneth most of them are rather barren and blasted. Atmospheric conditions have suffered from the beating the planets got, making weather unpredictable and often damp on most of the planets. Each of the planets has been named after the domains of the Iron Princes of old, Heilgrund, Sieger, Hainzl, Posen and Wische.

There is an additional domain, now called Freiburg which is a huge space station orbiting the planet of Heilgrund. Freiburg is a massive station of Syrneth design that has become a trading centre for much of the system. The fact is was created by the Syrneth (even though it was empty when the Eisen arrived) makes many people nervous about it. So the only people who wanted to live there were either criminals looking to escape the watch of the authorities, or the desperate. The station is ruled by a crime lord who calls himself 'Trague' and is never seen by anyone who comes to the station. Trague encourages a lawless society on the station, making it the perfect place to fence illegal goods and trade in dangerous artifacts. He takes a profit from all transactions of course. Many people would like to see Freiburg 'cleaned up' but in fact too many of the Princes who rule the Eisen planets make use of the lawless nature of the station. The others are frightened that there are terrible weapons aboard the station that Trague may have discovered and be prepared to unleash if attacked.

The Eisen have had one piece of luck though, Dracheneisen. While the Dracheneisen of old is long gone, this new Dracheneisen was discovered when the Eisen came to the system. A few Dracheneisen artefacts remain, and are treasured indeed, but luckily new Dracheneisen has proved just as good. It is beleived that this incredible metal (found only on the planets in the Eisen system) was left by the Syrneth. It is thought the Syrneth seeded the planets with the new metal so they could harvest it later on. Their loss has proved the one good news to the Eisen people who guard their supplies jealously. The metal itself has proved to work in just the same way as old Dracheneisen (it seems the Syrneth did a good job of copying it) but supplies are small and it is still only the preserve of the noble classes.

Eisen Ships
Little more than mobile gun emplacements, Eisen ships are shockingly utilitarian. Designed for war rather than comfort they are nevertheless among the most dangerous sights in the galaxy.


Ship design - Cardassian from 'Star Trek'