
Crescent Empire

The Castillians claim they were led to this system by the word of Theus. In fact it is perhaps truer to say they got what was left. The Castillians were the last of the people to leave their home planet as they worked hard to see the remains of the Vaticine Church came with them. They packed their ships with as much old lore and ancient texts as they could, and took in anyone who had served the church in the days of slavery.

As it owes it's existance to the Castillians, the head of the Vaticine Church, the Hierophant, chose to make his home with the people of Castille. Unfortunately the Castillians are fighting to retain this grasp on theocratical power against the Vodacce. The people of the Vodacce system offer all manner of incentives for Vaticine clerics to settle in their system. They brought a certain amount ot church lore to the stars, but didn't hang around like the Castillians did. The Hierophant is Castillian and does his best to keep church buisness within Castille, but Vodacce power is growing and soon they may be able to force the apointment of a Vodacce Hierophant.

The Castille System

As the last people to reach the stars, the Castillians did not get the best pick of the planets to settle on. Many of the planets in their system are extreemly hot except for the outer ones that are cold and desolate. However, the Castillians make do with what Theus has given them with enthusiasm. The hot planets are hte most settled, and suit the Castillian's passionate temperament. The colder outer places have become monestries and sanctuarys of contemplation for pilgrims and priests alike.

Where they did well is that their system has a large amount of habitable planets and is generally quite central in Thean space. Five planets have been settled, Aldana, Gallegos, Soldano, Torres and Zepada. The Vaticine Church is based on the planet Aldana in its own area called Vaticine city, and Castillian space itself is ruled from the nearby city of San Cristobal which is also on Aldana. The richest planet is Soldano as the great trading city of Altamira is situated there. Almost every traveller passes through this system as it is almost literally in the centre of Thean space. This has made Altamira the place to find all manner or people and cargoes, be they exotic, erotic, malevolent or benign.

Another planet of interest is the tiny planet that circles close to the Castillian sun. It is called Estrella Fuego (Fire Star) and it is the home of the El Fuego Adentro sorcerers. With the church being in so much power in Castillian space, the people were not keen on fire sorcerers being too close. The bloodline was asked to officially resign any claim to the Castillian throne, but on the condition they got a home of their own. They chose the burning rock of Estrella Fuego, as only a fire sorcerer can survive its burning heat. Ships who wish to land must carry a sorcerer to protect the ship and crew from the blazing sun's heat, and they can land only in one place. This place is the city of Rojovista (red view) which is constantly sheilded from the heat by at least five sorcerers. All children born to the bloodline are born here and live in the city until they show signs of El Fuego Adentro when they are free to leave. Estella Fuego is a barren but starkly beautiful place, with wonders only the sorcerers can see. They need to import their food, making them dependant of the rest of castillian space. There are not many people living there, no mor ethan a couple of hundred sorcerers. However many wonder what they are getting up to amid the flames of hteir home.

Castillian Ships
Style and grandeur are important to the Castillians. Their ships feature grand and elegant designs that some may call gaudy. Castillain ships are designed to make you notice them. They are designed with the same passion and dedication that the Castillians treat everything, gifting them with graceful lines and curves. Many use Vaticine iconography to carry the blessings of Theus out with them to the stars.

Ship images - Centauri from 'Babylon 5'