The Vendel League

Crescent Empire

The Vendel found themselves in a very rich system. However, they were riches that needed to be worked for. Mines and processing plants were set up in extreemly inhospitable enviroments. Unfortunately, this has created a two tier social system. There are the Vendal who manage the government and buisness, and the Vesten who work in the mines. The Vesten are not kept as slaves, and many prefer the simple honest work.

However, a few believe that the Vendel keep far more for themselves, and need to be taught their place. These dissidents have built ships based on old Vodacce and Ussuran designs and often raid any Vendel ship they can find. These pirates and the miners they are fighting for follow hte old ways of the Vestenmannavnjar. They feel that any technology, not just that of the Syrneth has a corrupting influence. This puts them at odds with the Vendel who consider technology to be the key to their success.


The Vendel System

The Vendel system is very rich indeed, both in natural resources and fertility of the land. However the Vendel and Vesten saw things very differently when they landed. Those who followed the old ways saw such bounty as a way to return to a more simple way of life focussing on Laerdom and tradition. The others saw the resources as a way of creating a new power among the peoples of Théah through mass production and commerce. Needless to say both ideologies were at odds with each other and the society split down the middle into the Vendel and Vesten.

Unfortunatly the Vesten couldn't stand against the power of Vendel technology, and very soon one of hteir planets became a massive manufacturing centre. The skies are black with pollution on the planet of Kirk, but the goods produced here have made the Vendel very rich. So they live in communities on the other planets, and keep an eye of Vesten communities. Rune enhanced goods are still popular, and the Vesten sell those themselves. They earn money to buy spacecraft of their own, and see that the old ways are still held as important by the rest of the nations. However, they are not the bargainers their enemies are, and they never get a price as good as a Vendel merchant can.

Vendel Ships

Vendel ships are basically huge cargo transports. They often have minimal weapons and everything is designed around how to fit more cargo in.

Vesten Ships
Vesten ships are similar to Ussuran designs for their utility and durability, but are often smaller and faster.


Ship design
Vendel - Ferengi 'Star Trek the Next Generation'
Vesten - Klingon (early design) 'Star Trek 'Enterprise'