The Crescent Empire

Crescent Empire

The people of hte Crescent Empire were among the first to get into space. When hte Syrneht returned they decided not to fight, in order to protect the land from hte devastation of a war they could not win. It is rumoured that strange Syrneth assasins were already in control of the Crescents before the barrier even fell. As such, the people of Théah do not fully trust the Crescents and consider them at best to be collaborators and heratics.

The truth is a little more complicated. The Crescents did fight the Syrneth, and so could commit no troops to the fight in Théah. Given how Théah had always treated them, they saw little reason to risk their own lives to help their troublesome neighbours. Unfortunately the serpent people had taken control of key areas of the empire before the fall of the barrier, and the Crescents fell quite quickly. However, the serpent people had been grooming the Crescents as their special slaves. They wanted something to offer the Syrneth and the Crescents were it. They had taught the Crescent people much about Syrneth technology and so the Syrneth took them out to serve among the stars.

While the Theans would deny it, it was the Crescents who first came upon the fourth prophet. They smuggled him to earth and worked off planet to see his will was done. When the time came for freedom, they could not return to Théah as htey had to escape the Syrneht colonies. So htey were marked as collaborators by the people they had in fact brought hope to. Soon after gaining their freedom the Theans declared war on the Crescent ships they found. They saw the more advanced Crescent technology as proof of complicity and would not listne to reason. Luckily the Crescents were happy to retreat to hteir own space and the Theans were in no position to fight on, needing desperately to establish their own setltements. These days the hostilities are mostly cold as the truth has managed to be heard, but it is often regarded as lies by the more bigotted on both sides.

The Crescent System

The Crescents were settled by the Syrneth in an area of space they did not want. There are a selection of planets, which range from the dry and desert like to wide open grass plains. Since hteir release, the Crescents have worked with terraforming techology (something the Theans know nothing about) to make their worlds more habitable.

Dune planet
capital planet

Crescent Ships

Crescent ships are extreemly advanced compared to Thean ones. They all have cloaking devices and function just that litttle bit better in every way. This is because the Crescents were forced to work on this technology and are far more familiar with it. The design of each craft is often modelled on hte curved blades the Crescent use and inside are decorated lavishly with curtains and pillows. The Crescent have been slaves, and they will never live in the way they used to aboard the utilitarian Syrneth vessels.




Ship design - Dominion/Jem-Hadar from 'Star Trek Deep Space Nine'