The Montaigne Republic

Crescent Empire

With hte power of Porté at their command, the Montaigne quickly reached for the stars. They managed to settle in one of the most fertile systems. The place they chose was once a centre of Syrneth power, a place luckily long abandoned. In their arrogance the Montaigne decided the threat was long dead and the buildings would prove very useful. So far they appear to have been proved correct, and montainge space is a centre for study of the Syrneth by the Explorer's society. However, there are rumours that the Montaigne are corrupt by nature and it is just a question of time.

While other nations wanted to save the church or create a power base, th eMontainge had different priorities. They have always considered themselves the keepers and guardians of style. So they brought artifacts of art and history with them. Montaigne space has the greatest collection of museums and art galleries in Thean space. No one doubts the value of the artifacts the montaigne saved, but most beleive they would sell their souls for a new luxury.

The Montaigne System

There are three planets in the Montaigne system, named after three of their greatest cities, Crieux, Paix and Charouse. All the planets are settled and fertile. However the fertility of the planets is not uniform. So cities have sprung up in the best areas and little of the bouunty is left for the common Montainge settler. Luckily there is still enough for everyone, and no one is going hungry, yet.

Montaigne space also has the greatest collection of Syrneth ruins. All hte planets have some, but Charouse (the capital) has the most. The signs of the Syrneth are everywhere on Charouse, which many visitors find unnearving. However, most visitors are also distracted by the colours and clothes on Charouse, which is one of the most important fashion centres in Thean space. Creiux is most well known for its art galleries and museums. it is the cultural home of Montaigne and also the centre for the Knights of the Rose and Cross. Paix is the trading capital of Montaigne space, and is the most cosmopolitan of all their planets. Just about every kind of visitor can be found here, investigating ruins, trading or just trying to keep up with the style.

Montaigne Ships
Style is everything to the Montaigne. So much so in fact that their ships, while elegant and stunning to look at are a nightmare to maintain. Everything is sacrificed for the look of the design rather than funtionality.

Ship design - Minbari/White Star from 'Babylon 5'