Act I
Act II


The characters for the adventure are listed below. Click on the picture to see their character sheet, or right click and 'save as' to claim a copy. They are all created as acrobat files, but the quality hasn't come out as well as I'd liked. Still, they should at least be readable!

The choice of player characters for the game is up to you. It is hard to take away the TARDIS crew and leave much of a crossover adventure though! However, Captain Jack might not be aboard this time as he tends to move around. It is also possible to play the Doctor before he met Rose and brought her along (but then you couldn't use Jack either).

The Buffy characters are all available, but the 3 primary ones are suggested as they are the most powerful and better able to deal with the threats in the adventure. However, the four secondary characters are all in Sunnydale during that time and could easily become involved.

Primary Player Characters

The Doctor
Rose Tyler
Captain Jack Harkness
Buffy Summers
Willow Rosenberg

Secondary Player Characters

Xander Harris
Anya Jenkins
Tara MacLay
Dawn Summers