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Main |
Characters |
Setting |
Act I |
Act II |
Act III |
Monsters |
Unisystem |
Act II - The Source Scene 1 – Malcolm Lupus The name of the estate agents isn’t important, but it is the Bad Wolf reference for the adventure. Mal (short for Malcolm) is bad in Latin. Lupus is the Latin name for wolf.) The office is locked, but that shouldn’t prove much of a problem to the group. Inside there are a few rooms, all deserted. A few bits of broken office furniture are lying around, but nothing else. However, one room does have signs of habitation. It has a TV/DVD combo unit in one corner and is littered with many fast food wrappers and take-out pizza boxes. However, most interestingly the centre of the room is occupied by a three foot tall metal pillar. It was some form of device but it have melted and fused into little more than modern art. Inside the TV/DVD unit is the third disc of the complete Season 1 Enterprise series. This with the weird science and take out detritus should give the group the clues they need to se who is behind this: Warren, Jonathan and Andrew. The Backstory Unfortunately, as Warren doesn’t want to seem like a sissy, he hasn’t told this to the other two. They have their own plans for the time machine. Andrew wants to go into the future to meet Captain Archer (even though he isn’t real). Jonathan wants to go back in time so he can get the limited edition figures he needs to complete his collection. Sadly they didn’t decide which when they opened the portal and programmed their device in different ways. This bad programming sent it out of control and it just punched a hole in time and space and melted. The trio decided it would be a good idea to leave at that pint and are on their way to Mexico by now. When things are calmer, they’ll be back. Scene 2 – The Hideout Unfortunately, the trio didn’t leave the place unguarded. The players
will find a note caught in the teeth of a caricature ‘Joker’
doll. The doll will laugh as the note is pulled out. The note simply says
“We will return! PS- look behind you.” Name: Demon Monkeys However the trio hasn’t though of everything. They have left a small video camera lying around. It has a tape in it, and is the tape they used to record their time experiment for posterity. If the characters decide to watch the video, ask (or choose) three volunteers. They can take the parts of Warren, Jonathan and Andrew as they read the following transcript of the tape. Adventure Script The camera is being turned on, showing only Jonathan’s face for a few moments Jonathan Warren The camera settles onto a scene of Jonathan, Warren and Andrew, standing in the back room of the estate agents. A TV/DVD combo unit sits in one side of the blank room, which is littered with fast food boxes and the wrappers of sugary treats. Tools surround the three geeks, who are standing around a large metal device that stands around 3 feet tall. Andrew Warren Andrew Warren Andrew Jonathan Andrew Jonathan Andrew is about to protest but Warren cuts in Warren The others protest but Warren has spoken Warren (cont) Andrew inserts a smaller device into the unit and Jonathan begins
to chant and sprinkle herbs around the unit. Warren Jonathan Warren Jonathan Warren Jonathan Warren Jonathan Andrew (dreamily about Star Wars) Warren Jonathan Andrew Warren Jonathan Warren Jonathan Andrew Warren Andrew and Jonathan together Warren Jonathan Andrew Warren Andrew The machine’s energy has moved from a blue to a green colour and it is starting to vibrate. Andrew Jonathan Warren The three geeks make a run for it, picking up the camera (which briefly catches Andrew grabbing his Enterprise DVD set without getting the disc out of the TV). The camera is rushed outside in time to catch a powerful energy implosion of sparkly blue and green energy. It makes no sound but seems extremely powerful nevertheless. The camera settles and shakily picks up the three geeks standing outside (Jonathan is holding the camera) Jonathan Andrew Jonathan Warren Jonathan Warren looks up, noticing the camera Warren Jonathan reaches over and the tape goes dark.
Willow or Tara will know a 'Gem of Sesha' is a powerful magical jewel used to manipulate temporal energy. They are extremly rare. When they have read the script, there is a screaming sound followed by a crash in the direction of the bronze. Something else has arrived in Sunnydale. |