There are a few villains in this adventure, but only three types of creatures,
but the real villains, Jonathan, Warren and Andrew have made their escape
long ago.
Sash'Nak Demon
These warrior demons form the foot soldiers of Betryal’s army.
They are around seven feet tall and wield huge pole arms much like
a Japanese Naginata. They are not especially clever, but not that
stupid either. Betryal is not only their lord but their God, and
they eventually get wiped out fighting for him in the HellGod wars.
Name: Sash’Nark
Motivation: Fight for Betryal
Critter Type: Demon Soldier
Attributes: Str 8, Dex 6, Con 8, Int 2, Per 3, Will 2
Ability Scores: Muscle 16, Combat 12, Brains 4
Lie Points: 74
Drama Points: 0
Special Abilities: Flight, Spear
Punch, Score: 12, Dmg: 16, Type: Bashing
Dodge, Score: 12,
Spear/Sword, Score: 15, Dmg: 32, Type: Bashing or Slashing |
Pasha Demon
Like their counterparts the Sash’Nak, these demons serve Betryal
with unquestioning loyalty. They are not as strong as the Sash’Nak,
but they are cleverer and can wield sorcery. |
Name: Pasha Demon
Motivation: Serve Betryal as his sorcerers
Critter Type: Demon
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 2, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 6, Combat 6, Brains 8
Lie Points: 34
Drama Points: 0
Special Abilities: Sorcery 2
Punch, Score: 6, Dmg: 6, Type: Bashing
Dodge, Score: 6,
Magical Lightning: Score: 10, Dmg 15, Type: Magical |
Betryal (Bet-re-al) – HellGod Being
a HellGod, Betryal doesn’t really need any statistics. You
can assume he can smack around just about any of the characters.
They are far too unimportant for him to waste time killing. However,
he may throw them against a wall for 10 life points of damage if
they annoy him. Betryal is shamelessly based (looks-wise) on ‘Lord
Soth’ from the Dragonlance saga by Margaret Weis and Tracy
Hickman. Betryal shares little with Lord Soth (except his sense
of humour) but looks so damn cool I couldn’t resist using
the image!
If you really must have some stats for him, use those of Glory
in ‘Monster Smackdown’. However, give him a ‘Getting
Medieval’ skill trait of 10, as he really knows how to use
a sword.
While these creatures are the arch-enemy of the Doctor, he may have
trouble convincing the scoobie gang these pepper pots are any danger.
They may look silly, but they are covered in almost impenetrable
armour and shielding, and armed with an energy weapon that kills
instantly. Sarcastic players should be reminded that stairs are
not (and never were) a problem for these death machines.
Name: Dalek
Motivation: Exterminate!
Critter Type: Robot/Mutant
Attributes: Str 8, Dex 2, Con 5, Int 3, Per 3, Will 6
Ability Scores: Muscle 16, Combat 12, Brains 5 (+1D10)
Lie Points: 50
Drama Points: 0
Special Abilities: Energy Weapon, Hover, Armour (50pts)
Laser Weapon, Score: 12, Dmg: 40, Type: Disintegration
Plunger*, Score: 8, Dmg: 8/rd, Type: Suffocation
*Close range only, Str V Str to break free