Links to places I like to go
Key 20 Publishing
The place to find me
Leisure Games
They need you like I do
The place where Violet dreams.
Postmortem Games
They are as sick as I am
Affiliates RPG
If you need to give the organisation a name, Smythe Affiliated will deny everything, and then pay you a visit.
He likes you, but don't hit his nose.
He has bad thoughts but fights crime.
Go on, tell them, I dare you.


Crime Library - Serial Killer Pages
The World Wide Serial Killer homepage

Serial Killers website
Serial killers Exposed
Wow, with merchandise too!
Crime Magazine
Serial killer pages with execution photos!
Serial Killer books by Joel Norris, buy buy buy
Which Serial Killer are you game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a cry for help
Fucked up Gaming fun (love the site name)
Serial Killer
W here killers are apparently 'some whacky motherfuckers'!